“Hello, Dave. In my email to parents, I mentioned my very recent course with you [Designing an Online Classroom]. I had no idea how timely it would be. I do believe that my students and I haven’t skipped a beat! Of course, it changes things a fair amount, but I am very glad to already have experience with tools that were fun in the classroom but indispensable now!”
- 3 Credits -
David A. Beyers Ed.M.
Accredited By:
- Colorado State University Pueblo
Grade Type:
University Transcript: Pass/Fail Grade
Course Description
This workshop is designed to give participants a learning experience in which they will learn the components that go into grant writing for classrooms and develop the skills and tools necessary to apply and receive a grant.
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3 Semester Graduate Credits
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Grant Writing For Educators Made Easy
- 3 Graduate Credits -
Course Objectives
From this course, participants will:
- Analyze the components to grant writing.
- Evaluate the specificity of a grantee in accordance with the funding source.
- Collect the essential data necessary to provide qualifying status of the grantee.
- Develop the researching skill-set and communication tools necessary to find a funding source.
- Discuss presentation style characteristics; both desired and detrimental
- Complete grant applications that meet qualifying standards and monetary limits
Credit Hours
3 Semester Credits (post-baccalaureate professional development credit)
Course Instructor
David A. Beyers Ed.M.
Accredited By:
- Colorado State University Pueblo
Grade Type
University Transcript: Pass/Fail Grade
Grant Writing For Educators Made Easy
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