“Hello, Dave. In my email to parents, I mentioned my very recent course with you [Designing an Online Classroom]. I had no idea how timely it would be. I do believe that my students and I haven’t skipped a beat! Of course, it changes things a fair amount, but I am very glad to already have experience with tools that were fun in the classroom but indispensable now!”
- 3 Credits -

David A. Beyers Ed.M.
Accredited By:
- Colorado State University Pueblo
Grade Type:
University Transcript: Pass/Fail Grade
Course Description
This workshop is intended for teachers who are interested in or have already begun incorporating online instruction into their classrooms. The overall goal of the workshop is to provide participants with a sound methodology and practical strategies for teaching with the Internet.
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3 Semester Graduate Credits

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Teaching in the Online and Blended Environments
- 3 Graduate Credits -

Course Objectives
From this course, participants will:
- Evaluate the potential for online and technology-enriched instruction to engage and teach today’s learners.
- Identify the major components of Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism, and Connectivism, and apply these theories to online and blended instruction.
- Define the roles of an online instructor, and evaluate the importance of these roles.
- Explore various Web 2.0 technologies and assess their potential as learning tools in an online or technology-rich classroom.
Credit Hours
3 Semester Credits (post-baccalaureate professional development credit)
Course Instructor
David A. Beyers Ed.M.
Accredited By:
- Colorado State University Pueblo
Grade Type
University Transcript: Pass/Fail Grade
Teaching in the Online and Blended Environmets
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