Category Archives for ED501

Concept Based Curriculum for the Thinking Classroom

- 3 Credits - 

3 Semester Credits

PD credits for re-certification and
pay-lane increases

  • accredited nationwide
  • start any time
  • up to 5 months to complete
  • independent study
  • all course materials included with course tuition
  • view FAQ

Course Description

This course will present educators with the techniques for concept-based curriculum and instruction for the thinking classroom. Teachers will examine the latest brain research and learning theory as well reviewing academic standards to contextualize them into the curriculum. Examples are explained in the numerous figures and charts that show how to adapt instructional materials and sample lessons are also provided to teachers. Educators will develop writings, lessons and activities that incorporate concept based techniques into their instructional units for classroom implementation.

Teacher feedback about this course


3 Semester Graduate Credits

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Curriculum and Instruction for the Thinking Classroom

- 3 Graduate Credits -

Course Objectives

  1. Educators will learn how the thinking classroom uses brain science for synergistic thinking to develop the intellect as disciplinary ways of thinking and doing.
  2. Teachers will examine how a concept-based journey in the inherent structure of knowledge helps educators develop a paradigm shift for conceptual understanding.
  3. Educators will review academic standards and contextualize them into the curriculum to bring district level coherence to standards for understanding and implementation.
  4. Students will be introduced to best practices techniques concept-based lessons while adapting instructional materials for supportive methods of teaching.
  5. Teachers will develop writings, lessons and activities that utilize concept-based curriculum and instruction thinking strategies for classroom implementation.

Credit Hours

3 Semester Credits (post-baccalaureate professional development credit)

Course Instructor

Joseph C’de Baca MaEd.

Grade Type

University Transcript: Click Here For Details

Curriculum and Instruction for the Thinking Classroom

Concept Based Curriculum for the Thinking Classroom

- 3 Credits -  3 Semester Credits (post-baccalaureate PD credits for re-certification andpay-lane increases) accredited nationwide start any time up to 5 months to complete independent study all course materials included with course tuition view FAQ Course Description This course will present educators with the techniques for concept-based curriculum and instruction for the thinking classroom. Teachers will examine the latest brain research and learning theory as well reviewing academic standards to contextualize them into the curriculum. Examples are explained in the numerous figures and charts that show how to adapt instructional materials and sample lessons are also provided to teachers. Educators

TLC Testimonials

I would like to personally thank the individual or group who decided to offer courses that were very ideally fitting for educators. I am more excited about these courses than any professional development I have taken in over ten years. Thank you for thinking outside the box and offering courses that sound so fascinating and meaningful.” – Tina B. , Maryland
Thank you very much, I appreciate your help in getting this to me for timely processing with my district.” – Christine G. , Indiana
Thank you for your willingness to e-mail me promptly regarding my questions. I really, really appreciate the format that TLC provided me. I will definitely continue to share my positive experience with fellow staff and hopefully you will see continued fruit from that. I will definitely use TLC again.” – Darin K. , Oregon
My superintendant forwarded an email about TLC to me” – J. Churchill. Danvers, MA
I heard about this program through a friend. The courses were approved by the Virginia Board of Education” – M. Barry. Fairfax, VA
Thanks for the feedback on Part B of the coursework. I used it as part of a World Geography course, and it was a success, so I will make it a regular part of curriculum!…” – Carolyn P. Boulder, CO – Understanding Hispanic Students and Issues


(3 Semester Graduate Credits)

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Brain Based Teaching

- 3 Credits - 

3 Semester Credits

PD credits for re-certification and
pay-lane increases

  • accredited nationwide
  • start any time
  • up to 5 months to complete
  • independent study
  • all course materials included with course tuition
  • view FAQ

Course Description

This course teaches neurologically-based approaches to instruction, using recent research to support and develop improved teaching strategies. Teachers will examine the latest research concerning how the brain constantly searches for meaning and seeks patterns and connections. Educators will view a Video that reveals how the sectors of the brain function together in the learning process, which will lead to the development of neurologically-based curriculum. Teachers will write a culminating essay or develop lessons or activities for the classroom to demonstrate their knowledge of using recent research to help students retain and apply information.

Teacher feedback about this course


3 Semester Graduate Credits

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Teaching With The Brain In Mind

- 3 Graduate Credits -

Course Objectives

  1. Educators will learn about and develop a working knowledge of the latest brain research and learning theory. They will also acquire a basic understanding of the brain's physiology, size, content, lobe areas and basic brain operations.
  2. Educators taking this course will understand how humans actually learn and remember new information. Teachers will learn how to use the brain's learning systems for memory retention, storage and the retrieval of knowledge.
  3. Educators will learn about the brain's high and low attention cycles. They will examine the special education issues of ADD, LD and ADHD and the classroom implications.
  4. Educators will explore how the brain’s natural reward process affects the attitudes of the students and learn techniques for developing intrinsic motivation.
  5. Educators will develop a final application essay; activities or lesson plans that help teachers improve attention and create a more effective educational environment.

Credit Hours

3 Semester Credits (post-baccalaureate professional development credit)

Course Instructor

Joseph C’de Baca MaEd.

Grade Type

University Transcript: Click Here For Details

Teaching With The Brain In Mind

What Others Are Saying About This Course

Elisabeth W. – VA –

“Thank you so very much for your time and consideration. It has been a real pleasure—and, of course, learning experience—taking these classes, and I am very pleased to have had the opportunity to take them. “                                    

Laurie R. – CO –

“Thank you! I sure appreciate your program – it is great for a single, busy mother/teacher like me!“

Jillian H. – WI –

“Thank you! I learned a great deal that is applicable to my future teaching.”

Billie S. – MI –

“Thank you so much Joseph! I truly appreciate how quickly you evaluated the work! Have a wonderful spring and summer!.”

TLC Testimonials

I would like to personally thank the individual or group who decided to offer courses that were very ideally fitting for educators. I am more excited about these courses than any professional development I have taken in over ten years. Thank you for thinking outside the box and offering courses that sound so fascinating and meaningful.” – Tina B. , Maryland
Thank you very much, I appreciate your help in getting this to me for timely processing with my district.” – Christine G. , Indiana
Thank you for your willingness to e-mail me promptly regarding my questions. I really, really appreciate the format that TLC provided me. I will definitely continue to share my positive experience with fellow staff and hopefully you will see continued fruit from that. I will definitely use TLC again.” – Darin K. , Oregon
My superintendant forwarded an email about TLC to me” – J. Churchill. Danvers, MA
I heard about this program through a friend. The courses were approved by the Virginia Board of Education” – M. Barry. Fairfax, VA
Thanks for the feedback on Part B of the coursework. I used it as part of a World Geography course, and it was a success, so I will make it a regular part of curriculum!…” – Carolyn P. Boulder, CO – Understanding Hispanic Students and Issues

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Helping Students Who Struggle with Math

- 3 Credits - 

3 Semester Credits

PD credits for re-certification and
pay-lane increases

  • accredited nationwide
  • start any time
  • up to 5 months to complete
  • independent study
  • all course materials included with course tuition
  • view FAQ

Course Description

This course will help math teachers use this problem-solving guide to quickly know exactly what to do for students who struggle with math. Basic math concepts and skills, such as place values, whole number computation, decimals and problem-solving are re-presented to help teachers reach students. Educators will evaluate their instructional approaches and adapt a systematic approach to analysis and correction strategies for instruction that enhances learning mathematics. Participants will write and develop lessons or activities for classroom applications that help students remediate and understand and compute mathematics.

Teacher feedback about this course


3 Semester Graduate Credits

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Teaching Learners Who Struggle with Mathematics

- 3 Graduate Credits -

Course Objectives

  1. Educators will learn about the dissimilar learner and techniques to help students who struggle with mathematics use strategies for using place value in a variety of techniques.
  2. Teachers will reexamine the addition of whole numbers to present the process using a variety of techniques. Then use the techniques in the subtraction of whole numbers.
  3. Educators will learn about applying a variety of techniques for multiplication and division to reach the diverse perspectives and learning styles of students.
  4. A variety of instructional approaches for understanding rational numbers with decimals and presenting them to students who have a hard time working with numbers.
  5. Teachers will develop lesson or unit plans that apply literacy strategies for addressing learning deficiencies and how this can help students improve their mathematical skills.

Credit Hours

3 Semester Credits
(post-baccalaureate professional development credit)

Course Instructor

Whitney Hartwell Ma.Ed.

Grade Type

University Transcript: Click Here For Details

Teaching Learners Who Struggle with Mathematics

What Others Are Saying About This Course

Scott R. – IL –

“Thanks. I gather you did receive my work? I’ll attach it again here anyway, just in case. Thanks, I need to get it graded and the transcript ASAP. I’ve enjoyed these courses, especially the first 2. I’ll be looking for more soon.Let me know if it all didn’t send correctly, I believe it did.“

TLC Testimonials

I would like to personally thank the individual or group who decided to offer courses that were very ideally fitting for educators. I am more excited about these courses than any professional development I have taken in over ten years. Thank you for thinking outside the box and offering courses that sound so fascinating and meaningful.”
– Tina B. , Maryland
Thank you very much, I appreciate your help in getting this to me for timely processing with my district.”
– Christine G. , Indiana
Thank you for your willingness to e-mail me promptly regarding my questions. I really, really appreciate the format that TLC provided me. I will definitely continue to share my positive experience with fellow staff and hopefully you will see continued fruit from that. I will definitely use TLC again.” – Darin K. , Oregon
My superintendant forwarded an email about TLC to me”
– J. Churchill. Danvers, MA
I heard about this program through a friend. The courses were approved by the Virginia Board of Education”
– M. Barry. Fairfax, VA
Thanks for the feedback on Part B of the coursework. I used it as part of a World Geography course, and it was a success, so I will make it a regular part of curriculum!…”
– Carolyn P. Boulder, CO – Understanding Hispanic Students and Issues


(3 Semester Graduate Credits)

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Success and Social Intelligence

- 3 Credits - 

3 Semester Credits

PD credits for re-certification and
pay-lane increases

  • accredited nationwide
  • start any time
  • up to 5 months to complete
  • independent study
  • all course materials included with course tuition
  • view FAQ

Course Description

This course explores the area of social intelligence as it applies to human relations and the classroom. Educators will learn about and be able to take the theories of SI and put them into practice in the elementary, middle school, and high school environments. Teachers will develop several SI instructional strategies for classroom environments and management. Educator understanding, counseling, and other applications of SI theory are presented. Various appendixes are available for examination for teacher applications in schools settings.

Teacher feedback about this course


3 Semester Graduate Credits

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Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships

- 3 Graduate Credits -

Course Objectives

  1. Educators will review the way humans are wired to connect with others in a natural WiFi system and instinct for altruism that defines social intelligence.
  2. Teachers may explore self awareness as it relates to social intelligence in a variety of settings and why genes are not destiny in developing SI skills.
  3. Students will be presented with the need for a secure base and to develop personal set points for happiness that facilitate positive webs of attachment.
  4. Teachers are exposed o how the mind and medicine are interrelated and how to manage the heart regarding trauma and emotional relearning.
  5. Educators will examine how biology, stress and the lack of social connectedness can affect how we utilize social intelligence techniques in school environments.

Credit Hours

3 Semester Credits
(post-baccalaureate professional development credit)

Course Instructor

Joseph C’de Baca MaEd.

Grade Type

University Transcript: Click Here For Details

Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships

What Others Are Saying About This Course

Daniel S. – OH –

“I found this course to be quite interesting and relevant to my career as a school counselor. I have to get my transcripts to the Ohio Department of Education as soon as possible, so please let me know as soon as they can be ordered. I will be taking more courses in the future.”                                    

TLC Testimonials

I would like to personally thank the individual or group who decided to offer courses that were very ideally fitting for educators. I am more excited about these courses than any professional development I have taken in over ten years. Thank you for thinking outside the box and offering courses that sound so fascinating and meaningful.”
– Tina B. , Maryland
Thank you very much, I appreciate your help in getting this to me for timely processing with my district.”
– Christine G. , Indiana
Thank you for your willingness to e-mail me promptly regarding my questions. I really, really appreciate the format that TLC provided me. I will definitely continue to share my positive experience with fellow staff and hopefully you will see continued fruit from that. I will definitely use TLC again.” – Darin K. , Oregon
My superintendant forwarded an email about TLC to me”
– J. Churchill. Danvers, MA
I heard about this program through a friend. The courses were approved by the Virginia Board of Education”
– M. Barry. Fairfax, VA
Thanks for the feedback on Part B of the coursework. I used it as part of a World Geography course, and it was a success, so I will make it a regular part of curriculum!…”
– Carolyn P. Boulder, CO – Understanding Hispanic Students and Issues


(3 Semester Graduate Credits)

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Response to Intervention: Understanding RTI

- 3 Credits - 

3 Semester Credits

PD credits for re-certification and
pay-lane increases

  • accredited nationwide
  • start any time
  • up to 5 months to complete
  • independent study
  • all course materials included with course tuition
  • view FAQ

Course Description

This teacher professional development course familiarizes educators with the RTI system for redesigning schools and possible implementation. RTI aims to meet the needs of struggling students through a pyramid of interventions. The course provides a practical RTI model for teachers, administrators and parents with clear examples of strategies to implement the RTI system components into a school setting. Educators will research the concept and results of the RTI system in districts nationwide. They will develop plans or activities for implementing RTI or its variety of recommendations for school improvement and reform.

Teacher feedback about this course


3 Semester Graduate Credits

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Response to Intervention: Understanding RTI

- 3 Graduate Credits -

Course Objectives

  1. Educators will acquire an understanding of the basic components and philosophy of the RTI system and design for school for reform.
  2. Participants will study the RTI Multi-tiered Interventions Model Pyramid that explains the intensive, targeted and universal levels of RTI best practices.
  3. Educators will be presented with solutions to address the root causes of student deficiencies and applications of RTI problem solving strategies.
  4. Participants will be able to use data and benchmarks for addressing special education issues and concerns along with RTI professional development needs.
  5. Educators will research the RTI system regarding its effectiveness in schools where it has been implemented and apply RTI concepts for use in their school district.

Credit Hours

3 Semester Credits
(post-baccalaureate professional development credit)

Course Instructor

Joseph C’de Baca MaEd.

Grade Type

University Transcript: Click Here For Details

Response to Intervention: Understanding RTI

What Others Are Saying About This Course

Megan S. – OR –

“Thank you very much! As discussed, I modified my final essay to be more of a working document for the preparation to guide our newly formed bullying awareness and prevention group in our county. My research outside of the book has really helped to supplement ideas for implementation, as well. I hope you enjoy my work! I have to renew my license by June, so I just wanted to be sure I got this in to you right away!”                                    

Peter M. – NJ –

“Thank you for being so considerate and understanding. If you need anything else please let me know.“

TLC Testimonials

I would like to personally thank the individual or group who decided to offer courses that were very ideally fitting for educators. I am more excited about these courses than any professional development I have taken in over ten years. Thank you for thinking outside the box and offering courses that sound so fascinating and meaningful.”
– Tina B. , Maryland
Thank you very much, I appreciate your help in getting this to me for timely processing with my district.”
– Christine G. , Indiana
Thank you for your willingness to e-mail me promptly regarding my questions. I really, really appreciate the format that TLC provided me. I will definitely continue to share my positive experience with fellow staff and hopefully you will see continued fruit from that. I will definitely use TLC again.” – Darin K. , Oregon
My superintendant forwarded an email about TLC to me”
– J. Churchill. Danvers, MA
I heard about this program through a friend. The courses were approved by the Virginia Board of Education”
– M. Barry. Fairfax, VA
Thanks for the feedback on Part B of the coursework. I used it as part of a World Geography course, and it was a success, so I will make it a regular part of curriculum!…”
– Carolyn P. Boulder, CO – Understanding Hispanic Students and Issues


(3 Semester Graduate Credits)

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The Mysteries of Motivation and Learning

- 3 Credits - 

3 Semester Credits

PD credits for re-certification and
pay-lane increases

  • accredited nationwide
  • start any time
  • up to 5 months to complete
  • independent study
  • all course materials included with course tuition
  • view FAQ

Course Description

This course will provide strategies and tips on ways for teachers to increase motivation and learning for students in the classroom. They will examine brain-based learning and multiple intelligences to help teachers design instructional units. Hundreds of teaching tips and student activities are presented for teacher implementation. Teachers will view DVDs about consciousness, quantum physics and the Law of Attraction. Educators will also learn about developing instructionally supportive activities and strategies to improve motivational and instructional impact in classrooms.


3 Semester Graduate Credits

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Motivation and Learning

- 3 Graduate Credits -

Course Objectives

  1. Teachers will review student relationships and how to make learning easier without lowering standards. They will learn how to use various teaching tips and strategies.
  2. Students will read about various quick-tips for increasing motivation and learning. They will examine and apply the various ideas for possible applications into their teaching environment.
  3. Educators will examine how motivation works in human behavior and how to get students to be intrinsically motivated. The video: The Law of Attraction and are also viewed to blend mental consciousness concepts into motivation applications.
  4. Educators will examine the motivation tips as they relate to instructional content and teaching for classroom implementation.
  5. Teachers will learn about assessments, testing, and grading tips as they check for validity regarding testing and how they can be used for motivating students

Credit Hours

3 Semester Credits (post-baccalaureate professional development credit)

Course Instructor

Joseph C’de Baca MaEd.

Grade Type

University Transcript: Click Here For Details

Motivation and Learning

What Others Are Saying About This Course

Giuseppe L. – NJ –

“As an Assistant Principal in the beginning stages of implementing PLC’s I found the book to be a useful resource. I hope that my work reflects the valid real life experiences I was able utilize in my position.“

Giuseppe L. – NJ –

“This is the third course I’ve completed through your program and again I will be able to incorporate what I have learned in my everyday experience.“

 TLC Testimonials

I would like to personally thank the individual or group who decided to offer courses that were very ideally fitting for educators. I am more excited about these courses than any professional development I have taken in over ten years. Thank you for thinking outside the box and offering courses that sound so fascinating and meaningful.”
– Tina B. , Maryland
Thank you very much, I appreciate your help in getting this to me for timely processing with my district.”
– Christine G. , Indiana
Thank you for your willingness to e-mail me promptly regarding my questions. I really, really appreciate the format that TLC provided me. I will definitely continue to share my positive experience with fellow staff and hopefully you will see continued fruit from that. I will definitely use TLC again.” – Darin K. , Oregon
My superintendant forwarded an email about TLC to me”
– J. Churchill. Danvers, MA
I heard about this program through a friend. The courses were approved by the Virginia Board of Education”
– M. Barry. Fairfax, VA
Thanks for the feedback on Part B of the coursework. I used it as part of a World Geography course, and it was a success, so I will make it a regular part of curriculum!…”
– Carolyn P. Boulder, CO – Understanding Hispanic Students and Issues


(3 Semester Graduate Credits)

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The Law of Attraction for Educators

- 3 Credits - 

3 Semester Credits

PD credits for re-certification and
pay-lane increases

  • accredited nationwide
  • start any time
  • up to 5 months to complete
  • independent study
  • all course materials included with course tuition
  • view FAQ

Course Description

This course will provide educators with an understanding of the Law of Attraction and how it relates to human achievement and accomplishments. This course examines the processes, uses and applications of the laws of attraction in order to implement them in student goal setting. Teachers will utilize these concepts in their teaching and instructional delivery to improve student learning and motivation. Positive thinking, changes in mindset, self confidence and productive outcomes in life and school goals are explained. Personal support in holistic wellness, health, creativity, and mental growth for human relations are offered. Teachers will develop lessons or a project and an essay explaining how the course content can be implemented in the classroom and schools.


3 Semester Graduate Credits

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Law of Attraction for Educators

- 3 Graduate Credits -

Course Objectives

  1. Students will learn about the basic universal laws and the law of attraction as a scientific theory of quantum physics and how they apply to human psychology.
  2. Teachers will learn about the law of deliberate creation and how positive or negative thoughts and emotions attract outcomes. Verbal affirmations are explored and together with vibration harmony assists in manifesting reality and personal goals.
  3. Educators will learn about positive affirmation and how the art of allowing can be implemented in schools to improve teaching relationships and for motivating students.
  4. Teachers will examine their own personal and spiritual lives as they relate to working in today's stressful schools. The will learn to utilize segment intending to practice the law of attraction in school environments with educators and students.

Credit Hours

3 Semester Credits (post-baccalaureate professional development credit)

Course Instructor

Joseph C’de Baca MaEd.

Grade Type

University Transcript: Click Here For Details

Law of Attraction for Educators

What Others Are Saying About This Course

Jane-Ellen D. – VT –

“Thank you very much for sending the document, and responding so quickly. I really appreciate it. I have been enjoying the exciting course work, and feel confident I will be completing it soon. I will just share that I am an artist. Although I have adapted over the years to writing thoughts down in words, I think in mostly pictures. My writing style might be considered a bit informal. I hope it meets with your approval. Thank you again for your prompt reply, and the fascinating collection of courses you offer. This kind of work/ science should be applied

TLC Testimonials

I would like to personally thank the individual or group who decided to offer courses that were very ideally fitting for educators. I am more excited about these courses than any professional development I have taken in over ten years. Thank you for thinking outside the box and offering courses that sound so fascinating and meaningful.”
– Tina B. , Maryland
Thank you very much, I appreciate your help in getting this to me for timely processing with my district.”
– Christine G. , Indiana
Thank you for your willingness to e-mail me promptly regarding my questions. I really, really appreciate the format that TLC provided me. I will definitely continue to share my positive experience with fellow staff and hopefully you will see continued fruit from that. I will definitely use TLC again.” – Darin K. , Oregon
My superintendant forwarded an email about TLC to me”
– J. Churchill. Danvers, MA
I heard about this program through a friend. The courses were approved by the Virginia Board of Education”
– M. Barry. Fairfax, VA
Thanks for the feedback on Part B of the coursework. I used it as part of a World Geography course, and it was a success, so I will make it a regular part of curriculum!…”
– Carolyn P. Boulder, CO – Understanding Hispanic Students and Issues


(3 Semester Graduate Credits)

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Understanding Hispanic Students: Module A

- 3 Credits - 

3 Semester Credits

PD credits for re-certification and
pay-lane increases

  • accredited nationwide
  • start any time
  • up to 5 months to complete
  • independent study
  • all course materials included with course tuition
  • view FAQ

Course Description

This course will provide an overview of Hispano-Indo history and clarify the various ethnic labels. Mayan/Aztec and Arabic/Spanish contributions to the Americas will be reviewed. The Origins of Hispanic stereotypes and diversity are examined. Hispanic religious, cultural traits and acculturation levels will be presented. Current social, political, and educational issues that affect Hispanos will be discussed. This course will help educators improve their knowledge and understanding of Hispanic history, culture, and address schooling and student academic achievement issues.

Teacher feedback about this course


3 Semester Graduate Credits

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Understanding Hispanic Students and Issues: Module A

- 3 Graduate Credits -

Course Objectives

  1. Educators will analyze statistical, educational, and social demographics that are related to Hispanic students and schooling trends in the United States.
  2. Participants will clarify the origins of Hispanic ethnic labels and accurate use of them as well as the cultural contributions of the Maya, Aztecs, and Islamic Spain.
  3. Educators will examine the origins of Hispanic stereotypes and myths regarding Spanish history or culture and explore them from a Spanish perspective.
  4. Participants will learn about and contrast various Hispanic cultural views, behaviors, and traits to distinguish them from U.S. culture and/or normal adolescent behavior.
  5. Educators will understand Hispanic religious beliefs and practices as well as the current immigrant assimilation and acculturation process.
  6. Participants will review and explore the current social, educational and political issues affecting U.S. Hispanos in school and society
  1. Educators will review learning theory and methodology for improving their instructional effectiveness regarding teaching Hispanic student's basic skills and core knowledge.
  2. Educators will synthesize the course content, power point shows and DVD's to develop a comprehensive approach to effective teaching and improving student achievement.

Credit Hours

3 Semester Credits
(post-baccalaureate professional development credit)

Course Instructor

Joseph C’de Baca MaEd.

Grade Type

University Transcript: Click Here For Details

Understanding Hispanic Students and Issues: Module A

What Others Are Saying About This Course

Gail W. – MA –

“I found the course very informative. I really liked the videos – they were all about topics that I had limited experience in so they were very useful to me.”                                    

John H. – RI –

” I am very impressed with the course material as well as the way the information is causing me to question my own teaching methods. This course will have an influence on my teaching and my students. So, thank you for suggesting it.”

TLC Testimonials

I would like to personally thank the individual or group who decided to offer courses that were very ideally fitting for educators. I am more excited about these courses than any professional development I have taken in over ten years. Thank you for thinking outside the box and offering courses that sound so fascinating and meaningful.”
– Tina B. , Maryland
Thank you very much, I appreciate your help in getting this to me for timely processing with my district.”
– Christine G. , Indiana
Thank you for your willingness to e-mail me promptly regarding my questions. I really, really appreciate the format that TLC provided me. I will definitely continue to share my positive experience with fellow staff and hopefully you will see continued fruit from that. I will definitely use TLC again.” – Darin K. , Oregon
My superintendant forwarded an email about TLC to me”
– J. Churchill. Danvers, MA
I heard about this program through a friend. The courses were approved by the Virginia Board of Education”
– M. Barry. Fairfax, VA
Thanks for the feedback on Part B of the coursework. I used it as part of a World Geography course, and it was a success, so I will make it a regular part of curriculum!…”
– Carolyn P. Boulder, CO – Understanding Hispanic Students and Issues


(3 Semester Graduate Credits)

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Understanding Hispanic Students: Module B

- 3 Credits - 

3 Semester Credits

PD credits for re-certification and
pay-lane increases

  • accredited nationwide
  • start any time
  • up to 5 months to complete
  • independent study
  • all course materials included with course tuition
  • view FAQ

Course Description

This course will provide an historical overview of the Mexican Era 1821 and United States era 1847 to the current Hispanic issues in 2015. The Origins of Mexican stereotypes and the diversity of Central and South American countries are examined regarding national origins. Current social and political issues, immigration policy, discrimination and Hispanic demographic populations are examined. Educational obstacles related to the achievement gap, and instructional methodologies are presented along with social problems, Latino gangs, Chicano ideological influences, and current Hispanic political dynamics are also analyzed in module B. Academic achievement issues and educational settings are addressed throughout the course. The Hispanic Students and Issues courses are designed in two modules for three credits per each module.

Prerequisite: Module A required (3 credits)
-- then take Module B (3 Credits.)

Teacher feedback about this course


3 Semester Graduate Credits

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Module B: Understanding Hispanic Students and Issues

- 3 Graduate Credits -

Course Objectives

  1. Analyze statistical, educational, and social demographics of Hispanic students.
  2. Review the Mexican era 1821, United States era 1847 and 1900's to 2015.
  3. Review contributions of farm labor, industrial manufacturing & service industries.
  4. Examine the origins of Mexican stereotypes and myths regarding immigration.
  5. Learn about and contrast various Hispanic cultural views, behaviors, and traits.
  6. Understand Hispanic religious beliefs and the immigrant assimilation process.
  7. Discern between traditional cultural behaviors and U.S. media social forces.
  8. Learn about and discuss the current social- political issues affecting Hispanos.
  9. Learn diagnostic skills- strategies to improve student academic achievement.
  10. Examine the social backgrounds of Hispanic families and inter-ethnic diversity.
  11. Learn about the various Hispanic educational obstacles and school dropout issues.
  12. Review learning theory-methodology for improving instructional effectiveness.
  13. Learn about current Latino/Chicano social subcultures and political ideologies.
  14. Research, design and apply instructional units/lessons for classroom use.

Credit Hours

3 Semester Credits (post-baccalaureate professional development credit)

Course Instructor

Joseph C’de Baca MaEd.

Grade Type

University Transcript: Click Here For Details

Module B: Understanding Hispanic Students and Issues

Understanding Hispanic Students: Module B

- 3 Credits - 3 Semester Credits(post-baccalaureate PD credits for re-certification andpay-lane increases)accredited nationwidestart any timeup to 5 months to completeindependent studyall course materials included with course tuitionview FAQCourse DescriptionThis course will provide an historical overview of the Mexican Era 1821 and United States era 1847 to the current Hispanic issues in 2015. The Origins of Mexican stereotypes and the diversity of Central and South American countries are examined regarding national origins. Current social and political issues, immigration policy, discrimination and Hispanic demographic populations are examined. Educational obstacles related to the achievement gap, and instructional methodologies are presented along with social problems,

TLC Testimonials

I would like to personally thank the individual or group who decided to offer courses that were very ideally fitting for educators. I am more excited about these courses than any professional development I have taken in over ten years. Thank you for thinking outside the box and offering courses that sound so fascinating and meaningful.”
– Tina B. , Maryland
Thank you very much, I appreciate your help in getting this to me for timely processing with my district.”
– Christine G. , Indiana
Thank you for your willingness to e-mail me promptly regarding my questions. I really, really appreciate the format that TLC provided me. I will definitely continue to share my positive experience with fellow staff and hopefully you will see continued fruit from that. I will definitely use TLC again.” – Darin K. , Oregon
My superintendant forwarded an email about TLC to me”
– J. Churchill. Danvers, MA
I heard about this program through a friend. The courses were approved by the Virginia Board of Education”
– M. Barry. Fairfax, VA
Thanks for the feedback on Part B of the coursework. I used it as part of a World Geography course, and it was a success, so I will make it a regular part of curriculum!…”
– Carolyn P. Boulder, CO – Understanding Hispanic Students and Issues


(3 Semester Graduate Credits)

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Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

- 3 Credits - 

3 Semester Credits

PD credits for re-certification and
pay-lane increases

  • accredited nationwide
  • start any time
  • up to 5 months to complete
  • independent study
  • all course materials included with course tuition
  • view FAQ

Course Description

This course will examine the issues relating to grandparents raising grandchildren as this nationwide phenomena impacts our schools student population. The differences between the morals, values and upbringing styles between generations are examined. Addressing the complex internal family dynamics regarding why the parents are not raising their child are presented. The financial, physical and emotional stresses on ageing grand- parents are explained. Educators will research this issue and develop writings, lessons or activities that help them work with students and grandparent/s in school systems.

Teacher feedback about this course


3 Semester Graduate Credits

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Grandparents Raising Grandkids

- 3 Graduate Credits -

Course Objectives

  1. Educators will learn about the theories of how and what goes on in the minds of children with Aspergers syndrome and develop an understanding of how they think.
  2. Teachers will research the generational issues, beliefs and values of our technology and media culture as they impact the parenting relationships of the generational divide.
  3. Educators will examine the difficult issues regarding why the biological parent/s is not raising the child as well as the other family and social dynamics that arise.
  4. Teachers will review the physical and emotional issues that aging grandparents have and how it affects their ability to provide for, nurture and educate their grandchild.
  5. Teachers will develop writings, research this topic and develop lessons or activities that utilize the course content to improve the learning and school experience of everyone.

Credit Hours

3 Semester Credits
(post-baccalaureate professional development credit)

Course Instructor

Joseph C’de Baca MaEd.

Grade Type

University Transcript: Click Here For Details

Grandparents Raising Grandkids

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

- 3 Credits -  3 Semester Credits (post-baccalaureate PD credits for re-certification andpay-lane increases) accredited nationwide start any time up to 5 months to complete independent study all course materials included with course tuition view FAQ Course Description This course will examine the issues relating to grandparents raising grandchildren as this nationwide phenomena impacts our schools student population. The differences between the morals, values and upbringing styles between generations are examined. Addressing the complex internal family dynamics regarding why the parents are not raising their child are presented. The financial, physical and emotional stresses on ageing grand- parents are explained. Educators

TLC Testimonials

I would like to personally thank the individual or group who decided to offer courses that were very ideally fitting for educators. I am more excited about these courses than any professional development I have taken in over ten years. Thank you for thinking outside the box and offering courses that sound so fascinating and meaningful.”
– Tina B. , Maryland
Thank you very much, I appreciate your help in getting this to me for timely processing with my district.”
– Christine G. , Indiana
Thank you for your willingness to e-mail me promptly regarding my questions. I really, really appreciate the format that TLC provided me. I will definitely continue to share my positive experience with fellow staff and hopefully you will see continued fruit from that. I will definitely use TLC again.” – Darin K. , Oregon
My superintendant forwarded an email about TLC to me”
– J. Churchill. Danvers, MA
I heard about this program through a friend. The courses were approved by the Virginia Board of Education”
– M. Barry. Fairfax, VA
Thanks for the feedback on Part B of the coursework. I used it as part of a World Geography course, and it was a success, so I will make it a regular part of curriculum!…”
– Carolyn P. Boulder, CO – Understanding Hispanic Students and Issues


(3 Semester Graduate Credits)

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