“Thanks for your help and patience. I will forward the course purchase email and the completed assignments emails to you for the Using Technology in the Classroom course separately. I apologize for the confusion. “
- 3 Credits -

David A. Beyers Ed.M.
Accredited By:
- Colorado State University Pueblo
Grade Type:
University Transcript: Pass/Fail Grade
Course Description
In this workshop participants will gain an understanding of several current technological resources (wiki's, blogs, Moodle, surveys) that are available for free use, as well as, understand the advantages of implementing such resources.
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3 Semester Graduate Credits

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Tomorrow's Technology in Today's Classroom
- 3 Graduate Credits -

Course Objectives
From this course, participants will:
- Review the variety and ever-growing availability of technological resources.
- Design and utilize a wiki program.
- Utilize and customize virtual communication mediums.
- Discuss with the instructor and classmates varying platforms for student implementation of technological resources.
- Produce and implement a virtual survey.
- Create an online classroom using one of the recommended ecourse sites.
Credit Hours
3 Semester Credits (post-baccalaureate professional development credit)
Course Instructor
David A. Beyers Ed.M.
Accredited By:
- Colorado State University Pueblo
Grade Type
University Transcript: Pass/Fail Grade
Tomorrow's Technology in Today's Classroom
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