- 3 Credits -

3 Semester Credits
PD credits for re-certification and
pay-lane increases)
- accredited nationwide
- start any time
- up to 5 months to complete
- independent study
- all course materials included with course tuition
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Dr. Drew Schwartz
Accredited By:
- University of California San Diego
- Lindenwood University (Missouri)
(choose after course checkout)
Course Description
1-2-3 WELLNESS is a research based approach supporting educators in bringing self-care, social and emotional learning (SEL) and mindfulness to life for themselves and their students.
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3 Semester Graduate Credits

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1-2-3 Wellness
- 3 Graduate Credits -

Course Objectives
From this course, participants will:
- Learn how to cultivate your OWN self-care
- Learn how to empower STUDENTS to take responsibility for their emotions and self-care
- Receive a powerful wellness library filled with dozens of powerful self-care tools
- Watch 21 videos for a total of 21 fun, practical self-care challenges
- Learn how to bring Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) and mindfulness to life in your classroom
- Learn practical tools for working with thoughts and emotions to promote healthy habits
- Receive an e-workbook filled with practical tools to use every day
- Complete assignments that are simple, fun and practical
- Earn 3 graduate credits while investing in yourself and your students

Credit Hours
3 Semester Credits (post-baccalaureate professional development credit)
Course Instructor
Dr. Drew Schwartz
Accredited By:
- University of California San Diego
- Lindenwood University (Missouri)
(choose after course checkout)
Grade Type
University Transcript: Letter Grade
1-2-3 Wellness
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