“Hello, Dave. In my email to parents, I mentioned my very recent course with you [Designing an Online Classroom]. I had no idea how timely it would be. I do believe that my students and I haven’t skipped a beat! Of course, it changes things a fair amount, but I am very glad to already have experience with tools that were fun in the classroom but indispensable now!”
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“That was speedy! Thank you again for your time and all that you do!”
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“I LOVED the Assertive Discipline text and have already begun to implement many of the aspects – behavior narration, 100% compliance-100% of the time- into my classroom”
” Thank you for the opportunity to reflect. I enjoyed the book! “
“Thank you soooo much! I appreciate all of your help getting started (and finished) with this course! “
“The course I took was perfect for me as I am trying to write some Health curriculumwith two other Health teachers in the building. Teaching in Special education and regular ed allows me to see subjects from both sides. Instead of doing the two page paper at the end I chose to write a differentiated lesson plan for my Health class as that will be beneficial to me. Great course. I have recommended to a few others as well.
Rubric for grading. My writing assignment corresponds with A/B grade area.”
“Thank you. I am looking forward to the next course. The independent study format works so well for me. I’m grateful that it is available.”
“Thank you so very much for your time and consideration. It has been a real pleasure—and, of course, learning experience—taking these classes, and I am very pleased to have had the opportunity to take them. “
“Thank you so very much! I’m really looking forward to taking these courses!
Have a wonderful day, and again, thank you for your help! I have attached the PDF to this email. I hope that’s acceptable!”
“I found the course very informative. I really liked the videos – they were all about topics that I had limited experience in so they were very useful to me.”
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